Worship & Music

The Committee shall make provision for worship as set forth in the Book of Order of the PCUSA, W-1.4004.

The Committee shall be responsible for the music of the church and shall recommend to the Session the hiring of the organist and choir director(s) as these positions become vacant. The Committee shall supervise the work of these persons.

The Committee shall supervise all arrangements for the administration of the sacraments and shall recommend the times that they will be held.

Christian Education

The Committee shall plan for and supervise all educational programs.

The Committee shall recommend to the Session the adoption of curriculum material used in the Church School.

The Committee shall be responsible for recruiting teachers and substitute teachers and developing leadership for the Sunday School and shall recommend attendance at various training events held by the Presbytery, Synod or other church-related agencies.

Mission & Outreach

Receive and study reports on social issues and community emergencies such as Food Bank, Clothing Drive, World Hunger and boycotts.

The Committee shall investigate and devise ways in which the resources of the Christian community can be used effectively in and through the community.

The Committee shall be responsible for communication through the newsletter and other means.

Evangelism & Membership

The Committee shall plan for, organize and implement various events to provide fellowship and support for the congregation.

The Committee is responsible for maintaining the membership rolls and shall review the membership and report to Session.

The Committee shall be responsible for Evangelism.

Building & Grounds

The committee shall be responsible for the upkeep and repair of the church building and the manse and any other property the church may own. The committee shall make periodic inspections of the physical plant to be aware of present and future needs.

The committee shall be responsible for the granting of the use of the church facilities by outside groups and make sure this use is documented and placed on the church calendar.

The committee shall supervise the work of the custodians.

Finance & Stewardship

The Committee is responsible for drawing up the total budget for the church including to be presented at the December Session meeting.

The Committee shall be responsible for coordinating the annual stewardship campaign.

The Committee shall provide an annual financial report.

The Committee shall help interpret stewardship.


The Committee shall be responsible for presenting a slate of officers (one name for each slot) for elders and deacons to be elected by the congregation to be approved at the October meeting of Session.

The Committee shall be responsible for presenting a slate of two auditors, three members to the Nominating Committee, two (2) members to the Personnel Committee for election at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation.

The committee shall meet as requested by the Pastor, an ex-officio member, for spiritual guidance in the nominating process.

Special Gifts

The Committee shall select a chairperson who will preside over the meetings, and a secretary and treasurer who will keep all statistical and financial records and provide an annual report for the congregation at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation.

Two members shall be designated to have access to the Special Gifts Fund Safety Deposit Box at the bank.

The Committee, at its option, shall have the right to obtain the services of a reliable investment authority of its choice for the purpose of investing funds committed to its care and properly maintaining a diversified portfolio.


The Committee shall oversee all employees of the church, including the secretarial staff, custodian(s), organist, choir directors, and other employees.

The Committee shall recommend policies on vacations, holidays, office hours, etc.

The Committee shall recommend salaries and benefits and conduct annual performance reviews with employees based on job descriptions.

The Committee shall review the work of the pastor, including annual work, growth objectives, and performance evaluation.

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